Cindy in Repose

Cindy in Repose
Wha's up?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Latest Developments, Casting Cindy and Raphael

I started promoting TPD about six weeks ago. I fell ill a month ago and now back on my feet with a vengeance.

The plan is to find the principle romantic leads first, the girl who will play Cindy and and the young man who will play Raphael. These roles, of course are highly critical to how the story is told. The auditions of those who would play Cindy or Raphael will be documented heavily in still pictures and on film and published on this blog. I will be looking for the chemistry between the two and how they naturally respond to each other.

Cindy, 17 or so, is has a model's face and figure, great legs. She is way too trusting, finding her self in testy situations from not looking before she leaps.

Raphael, early twenties, is drop dead good looking, quiet, pensive, Chappas right hand man in the drug trafficking trade. Once he falls for Cindy his thoughts begin to take on the long term significance. Must be able to speak with heavy Spanish accent and say some lines credibly in Spanish.

Contact me, Curt Newbury, directly (don't post your email or qualifications on this blog) at with phone number and a link to your headshot.