Cindy in Repose

Cindy in Repose
Wha's up?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Get involved with The Parson's Daughter... Send us your headshots or tell us about your crew skills.

Love someone 'cause they're good? Good because you love 'em?

Since 2002 I have been publishing websites. Here are some sites related to this movie project:

I have written a screenplay called The Parson's Daughter. It's main character is inspired by Cindy, but not her story. Some of the premises are taken from real life but the truth in the story is in its composite of how people -family, friends, employers, teachers, preachers, the media and photographers like me- position themselves around someone truly special to extract for themselves the most possible from her to bolster their egos, justifications, and pocketbooks. All under the ruse: "I do it all for her."

It's hard to separate the empty self-serving praise from the genuine. One can walk away from the confusion or exploit the exploiters or seek reality in alternative lifestyles, the attraction to those who don't have so much praise or smarm..

Ah, the beautiful sadness of inking up, puncturing, piercing, the thug life, the drug life, the bikers, and wannabe outlaws who still live with their mothers.


Yours Faithfully said...

Really liked the theme of your screenplay! I detected a hint of cynicism expressed in your story....which, unfortunately, is a practical attitude for any adult human who has really lived life! Figuring out who your genuine friends or foes are is a perennial human struggle regardless of one's age. Of course, the younger and relatively inexperienced ones tend to be more gullible & vulnerable. Looking forward to watching your thought-provoking film....

StevenErnest said...

This sounds like a wonderful project for you and Cindy!
I noticed a little spelling error in the Log Line of your script excerpt: "A reknown photographer..." It should be spelled as, "renown."
I look forward to hearing more about your project.

holyman said...

you have only yourself to blame, shorteyes. Grown the fuck up and let these girsl have a normal life!

holyman said...

I think you have promise. If you ever want to work with someone who can promote a legitimate career for you, write me at

StevenErnest said...

Yes, as an adjective it is renowned. "He is a renowned photographer." There is no letter "k" in it, however.

Unknown said...

Hello! I just wanted to say that your film sounds very interesting, and I'd like to learn more about it. I'm an actress/model/dancer and was wondering how I can submit myself for the project. Please email me at

Leandra Ryan

Unknown said...

alimodelo MY FAN

Curt Newbury said...

Maybe I need to run spell check on this blog. The winner of the spelling bee is StevenErnest.

Curt Newbury said...

Mirriam-Webster says:

Main Entry: re·nown
Pronunciation: \ri-ˈnau̇n\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English renoun, from Anglo-French renum, renoun, from renomer to report, speak of, from re- + nomer to name, from Latin nominare, from nomin-, nomen name — more at name
Date: 14th century

1 : a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored : fame
2 obsolete : report, rumor

Looks like StevenErnest is the spelling bee champion. I stand corrected.