Cindy in Repose

Cindy in Repose
Wha's up?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Progress on The Parson's Daughter

The main hold-up on the making of the movie is me. On November 4 I had a small part of my colon removed that was cancerous. I have been on chemotherapy since the first of January. I will remain on chemotherapy until about the middle of July. Chemo treatment has many benefits but also has many side effects that keep a normally very physical and hands-on guy like me on the sidelines.

One, I have to wear a pic line on my right arm. This pic line is necessary because quite often the chemo needs to be run into my blood system conveniently. Doing the physical work of making sure a set is proper or hooking up lights and cameras risk ripping out my pic line doing me damage and setting back the start date. I haven't begun casting yet.

Two, chemotherapy causes a major disruption within one's body. Certainly mine. Half the time I just want to lay down and go to sleep. I don't want much physical activity. I get dizzy sometimes on my feet. As I get used to the chemo, I am able to do more and more. Some days I can't really do anything at all.

So, I am going to wait 'til all this is behind me before I start actually shooting The Parson's Daughter. Nothing creates bad morale with the cast and crew than leadership causing delays. I won't start the movie until I foresee no delays once we start filming. Casting and gettting a crew will start in June. But I need headshots and resumee's for the parts of Cindy, Rafael, and Chappa anytime. The role Ned has been cast. In fact the guy playing Ned is Mark Howell, (see has that role and, considering his experience, he is a very important advisor to me and all TPD personell. His speaks for itself.

There are also some people interested in producing TPD. There is the small possibility that I will just sell the script and let a larger more experienced regular Hollywood production take over if my affliction continues to keep me down. Of course, my dream is to direct this movie. But it may prove out to be more practical to let someone else do it and let me be part of the crew as a story consultant.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Latest Developments, Casting Cindy and Raphael

I started promoting TPD about six weeks ago. I fell ill a month ago and now back on my feet with a vengeance.

The plan is to find the principle romantic leads first, the girl who will play Cindy and and the young man who will play Raphael. These roles, of course are highly critical to how the story is told. The auditions of those who would play Cindy or Raphael will be documented heavily in still pictures and on film and published on this blog. I will be looking for the chemistry between the two and how they naturally respond to each other.

Cindy, 17 or so, is has a model's face and figure, great legs. She is way too trusting, finding her self in testy situations from not looking before she leaps.

Raphael, early twenties, is drop dead good looking, quiet, pensive, Chappas right hand man in the drug trafficking trade. Once he falls for Cindy his thoughts begin to take on the long term significance. Must be able to speak with heavy Spanish accent and say some lines credibly in Spanish.

Contact me, Curt Newbury, directly (don't post your email or qualifications on this blog) at with phone number and a link to your headshot.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Get involved with The Parson's Daughter... Send us your headshots or tell us about your crew skills.

Love someone 'cause they're good? Good because you love 'em?

Since 2002 I have been publishing websites. Here are some sites related to this movie project:

I have written a screenplay called The Parson's Daughter. It's main character is inspired by Cindy, but not her story. Some of the premises are taken from real life but the truth in the story is in its composite of how people -family, friends, employers, teachers, preachers, the media and photographers like me- position themselves around someone truly special to extract for themselves the most possible from her to bolster their egos, justifications, and pocketbooks. All under the ruse: "I do it all for her."

It's hard to separate the empty self-serving praise from the genuine. One can walk away from the confusion or exploit the exploiters or seek reality in alternative lifestyles, the attraction to those who don't have so much praise or smarm..

Ah, the beautiful sadness of inking up, puncturing, piercing, the thug life, the drug life, the bikers, and wannabe outlaws who still live with their mothers.